Sunday 25 June 2017

This has been a wonderful school year with the grade 3/4 class. I have truly appreciated getting to know your children and meeting the fabulous parent community.
Tomorrow will be our Play day. The talent show will be on Wednesday, the last day of school for this year. I wish each of you a restful, fun summer and look forward to seeing your children again in September.

Sunday 18 June 2017

The school year has gone by so fast! Unbelievably, we are at the last full week of school.
Please check the Weekly Memo for events of the week as there are a lot going on.
Have your child continue to read and practice multiplication facts regularly for homework.
We will continue to explore in science and health this week as well as to look ahead to what students may expect in math and language for the next school year.

Sunday 11 June 2017

Summer is finally here! Our Upper Canada Village field trip is tomorrow (Monday June 12th). Please be sure your child is dressed for the weather and has all appropriate food and drink for the day. There is an on-site cafeteria. I am not sure what the food selection is like there. Please make arrangements for your child's late pick up from school. Buses are scheduled to arrive back at the end of the day, at 5:30. Thank you to all those parents who have volunteered to help. This is invaluable, as the trip could not take place without volunteers, and much appreciated.
As the school year winds down, homework will be less structured. Students have worked hard and time will be spent preparing students for next school year as we get closer to the end of the year. Please have your child continue to read each day, both out loud and silently. Also, they should be practicing multiplication and division facts on a regular basis.

Wednesday 7 June 2017

Just a friendly reminder that this Friday is a P.D. day. There will be no school for students on that day.

Monday 5 June 2017

EQAO was over, with the last day of writing taking place last Friday. The grade 3 enjoyed it and the grade 4s enjoyed visiting other classrooms.  All of the students should be proud of themselves!
The students are excited to be working on a book or movie review this week.  They will be presenting these to the class. This encompasses several components of our language program. We will revisit fractions this week in math.
For homework, please continue to have your child practice multiplication and division facts as well as read each day.