Sunday 25 March 2018

Math: Students will use their linear measurement skills to work with area and perimeter.
Language: We will begin to write adventure stories this week, after students share some of their persuasive writing with other students.
Homework: Please watch this video that will be shown in class, to help your child understand perimeter. Please do the practice questions that come after the video. Also, have your child practice multiplication facts each night this week. Knowing multiplication facts are especially helpful when figuring out area and perimeter.

Tuesday 20 March 2018

I hope everyone had a refreshing March break!  Students shared some of their highlights yesterday.
Math: We are starting our linear measurement unit this week. Grade 3s are measuring to the nearest centimetre and grade 4s to the nearest millimetre. Students are also finding personal benchmarks for measure, e.g. my index finger is about 1 cm wide, my foot is 20 cm long.
Language: We are looking at components of media literacy and text features this week. We will also revisit persuasive writing.
Homework:  measure 4 items in your home (gr. 3s to the nearest cm, gr. 4s to the nearest mm). Choose 4 new items and estimate their length based on prior knowledge such as the items just measured. You can use personal benchmarks for the estimation. Measure these 4 items to see how accurate your estimates are. Please record all this information including the units of measure.

Tuesday 6 March 2018

Students will come home with a math board game. Please put a paper clip anchored by a pencil in the centre for spinning. Each player draws the amount of money they land on, on a separate paper. The grade 3s play "First to Get to Ten" the grade 4s play "First to get to One Hundred". When a player lands on the random draw space, they can choose to draw one coin or bill of their choice. The first player to reach the desired amount of money, without going over, wins the game. Students have played this game before.

Monday 5 March 2018

We will start a unit on linear measurement after March Break. As I was gathering materials in preparation for this unit I was very disappointed to discover some students had broken almost every ruler of our class set. Please discuss with your child the importance of respecting school property and materials. This is a great waste of resources and we no longer have a class set of rulers available to the students. Please ensure your child brings a ruler to school which is labelled with their name, for use in class if they do not currently have one at school. Thank you so much for your cooperation and support.
Math: We will finish our money unit this week.
Language: We will begin letter writing format and persuasive writing this week.
Homework: Cursive writing practice and math games will be sent home for homework this week. Students will be able to play these games over March Break if they wish.
                                                     Have a super March break!