Monday 21 March 2016

Happy first, but very chilly, day of spring! I hope everyone had a super break whether you skied, had fun in the sun, or enjoyed a staycation around home. It will be a short week back as we have no school on Good Friday or Easter Monday.
We are happy to recognize one birthday in our class this week.
Please let me know, through an email or note in your child's agenda,  if you ever have questions about the on-line homework.
Please see the updates below:
Math: We are putting our skills into play by measuring the perimeter of two guinea pig cages to see which perimeter is greater.  We will be moving into exploration of surface area to determine, of the two cages, which has a greater area: the one with a larger flat surface, or the one with two levels and a ramp. We will continue with multiplication drills and have our timed drill this Thursday. Please ask your child to share their goal with you.
Language: We are exploring the characteristics of pourquois and legends to see how they are similar and different. We listened to some student created pourquois stories last week and the students will move to writing their own.

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