Tuesday 20 March 2018

I hope everyone had a refreshing March break!  Students shared some of their highlights yesterday.
Math: We are starting our linear measurement unit this week. Grade 3s are measuring to the nearest centimetre and grade 4s to the nearest millimetre. Students are also finding personal benchmarks for measure, e.g. my index finger is about 1 cm wide, my foot is 20 cm long.
Language: We are looking at components of media literacy and text features this week. We will also revisit persuasive writing.
Homework:  measure 4 items in your home (gr. 3s to the nearest cm, gr. 4s to the nearest mm). Choose 4 new items and estimate their length based on prior knowledge such as the items just measured. You can use personal benchmarks for the estimation. Measure these 4 items to see how accurate your estimates are. Please record all this information including the units of measure.

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